Dafydd Rhys Thomas
working in planning
BSc in (Human)
Geography & Planning

As a fluent Welsh speaker, I am happy to be able to use the Welsh language in my everyday line of work.

My role
Where do you work?
I have recently joined the Development Control and Management Team at Snowdonia National Park Authority as a Planning Officer (Compliance). This primarily involves investigating alleged breaches of planning control under the Town and Country Planning Act of 1990.
Snowdonia National Park Authority is the Local Planning Authority with the responsibility of planning within an area of approximately 820 square miles covering Gwynedd and Conwy in North Wales. I am excited to be part of the planning team covering such a beautiful and unique area and as a fluent Welsh speaker, I am happy to be able to use the Welsh language in my everyday line of work.

Your into planning
Tell us about your route into planning
In 2017, I graduated from Cardiff University with a BSc in (Human) Geography and Planning. Following my time in University, I began my career within the planning industry as a Transport Planner for an independent transport consultancy based in Cardiff.
During this time, I joined the Royal Town Planning Institute and began my involvement with Young Planners Cymru by becoming a part of the steering group, which continues to allow me to meet new people from across the industry. In September 2021, wanting to expand and develop my knowledge of the planning system I began a new role as a Planning Officer (Compliance) for Snowdonia National Park Authority, at which I am today.

Helping the public
How does your role involve helping the public?
As a Planning Officer whose role primarily involves dealing with compliance and enforcement of the planning system, an important element of my day-to-day duties is communication and engagement with the public. This not only involves ensuring concerns raised by the general public are investigated but also providing people with an understanding of the planning process, such as advice on planning applications, pre-applications and breaches of planning control. Importantly, my role involves protecting the uniqueness and natural beauty of Snowdonia National Park through compliance of the planning system.
Tell us about any work you’ve done to help your local community
Due to the nature of my role, I am frequently approached by members of the public and local community groups regarding potential breaches of planning control which are impacting their neighbourhood and community. I have and continue to provide support across communities of Snowdonia National Park by advising on breaches of planning control and how these can be resolved.

Your spare time
What do you do when you are not planning?
Away from work, I am an enthusiastic cyclist and runner, currently training for my second marathon. I’m also a keen hiker and enjoy spending time exploring the mountains of North Wales.